Last weekend I went to my first scrapbook retreat with LSBS it was fantastic. Spent 3 days with the girls and did some fantastic classes, also attempted some scrapping. It was so nice to actually spend "real time" with my cyber friends, I chat to the girls most days online, but to actually be there and be able to hug them and hear the sounds of their voice and laughter was well worth the trip.
Lisa Pate
The best part was getting to spend so much time with Narelle, even though we didn't really know each other when I lived in Sunbury through the wonders of technology we have become really close and I now consider her one of my best friends. I enjoyed every minute in her company, she is just a lovely generous, beautiful person, and I am very grateful that she considers me a friend.
Love you mate!!
Great photos!!
What great pics from a great weekend! A super bunch of lovely ladies! I'll have to get a copy of the one of us from you sometime!
OMG Bon look at my eyes.......Very tired by this stage!
What an awesome time we had
Hey Bon, taken me ages to see this, sorry honey!
Love the photo's I sooooo want one of us togther!
LOL - Helen is looking rather "special" in a "I havn't slept for two days kind way!"
Love Lis
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